Agenda item

Full Application - Proposal for the Installation of Micro-Wind Turbine at Brink Farm Cottage, Bakestonedale Road, Pott Shrigley (NP/CEC/0823/0917, WE)


Some members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer introduced the report and laid out the reasons for refusal as set out in the report. 


The Planning Officer  informed Members that since the report had been published additional responses had been received from the Ecologist but no extra weight has been given to these comments. 


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Alex Franklin – Agent


It was generally felt that the installation of a wind turbine was not the right solution in this place due to landscape intrusion. 


A motion to refuse this application in line with the Officer recommendation  was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.



That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:






By virtue of its siting, scale, materials, and the dynamic rotating nature of the blades, it is considered that the proposed turbine would be a dominant and visually intrusive feature in the landscape which would have an unacceptable urbanising impact on the pastural and agricultural landscape. The structure would be out of scale with the nearby built-form surrounding Brink Farm Cottage, and the rotor of the turbine would break the skyline of the landscape when viewed from the south-east, resulting in a prominent, rotating feature. It would therefore cause significant harm the valued characteristics and special qualities of the National Park landscape which would not be outweighed by the sustainability benefits of the scheme. On this basis, it is contrary to policies L1, DMC1, GSP1, and GSP2 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



The noise generated from the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the amenity of the guests visiting Brink Barn. The noise levels would exceed the identified allowance for residential properties and would despoil the quiet, tranquil character of the property. In addition to this, Brink Barn is an established business within the area and the noise generated from the proposed development would have a negative impact on the owner being able to operate their business. It is therefore contrary to policies CC2, DMC14, the Climate Change and Sustainable Buildings SPD and the National Planning policy Framework.


Supporting documents: