Agenda item
Amendment to Part 7 of Standing Orders - Delegation of Powers to the Chief Executive(s) (RC)
The Customer & Democratic Support Manager presented the report to Members which requested an amendment to the Scheme of Delegation to the Chief Executive in the Authority’s Standing Orders. The amendment requested was to enable the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority, to make amendments to Standing Orders and Authority Policies to reflect approved changes in job titles and changes in legislation provided those changes did not have a significant effect on operational metters.
The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.
1. To amend the Scheme of Delegation to the Chief Executive set out in Part 7 of Standing Orders to authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority, to amend Standing Orders and Authority Policies to reflect any approved changes in job titles and changes to legislation if those changes do not have a significant effect on operational matters.
2. The Standing Orders are otherwise confirmed
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