Agenda item

Listed Building Application - Two New Hydro Electric Stations on The River Derwent at Chatsworth; One on The Upper And One on The Lower Weirs at Chatsworth House



The recommendation to approve the listed building application subject to an additional condition to submit and agree in writing a scheme of agreement for health and safety signage, interpretation boards and fencing or other barriers was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.





To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         Statutory 3 year time limit


2.         Adopt submitted and additional plans.


3.         Programme of archaeological work including a Written Scheme of Investigation to be submitted to and approved by the Authority in writing before development commences.


4.         No parts of the retaining walls other than those shaded red on plan no. PL-008-Rev A shall be removed unless otherwise agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.


5.         Sample panel of new walling, including pointing to be agreed.


6.         Details of coping stones to be submitted and agreed.


7.         Minor Design Details

Supporting documents: