Agenda item

Full Application - Proposed erection of detached garage and ancillary living accommodation at Holm Close, Eaton Hill, Baslow (NP/DDD/0923/1051, EF)


The report was presented by the Planning Team Manager who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report. 


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         David Dawson – Objector

·         Lee Ellis-Edge – Objector

·         Tom Palmer – Applicant


It was noted that the development was small in scale and size for the need and does not impact on the wider landscape.  Members discussed if there were any valid amenity objections.  It was felt there was no effective change or loss of privacy or daylight and the development would not be overlooking the neighbour properties. 


The motion to approve  the application subject to conditions was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


·         Statutory 3-year time period for commencement of development.



·         In accordance with specified amended plans.



·         Restriction on occupation of the living accommodation to be ancillary to Holm Close, not occupied as holiday accommodation or as an independent dwelling house and with both being maintained within the same planning unit.



·         Removal of permitted development rights for alterations and extensions and means of enclosure to the ancillary dwelling hereby approved.



·         Roof light to be heritage type fitted flush in full accordance with details to be submitted to the Authority for approval in writing.




·         Details of Solar panels to be submitted to the Authority for approval in writing.



·         The walling material shall be natural gritstone, laid, coursed and pointed to match the existing house.



·         Maintain garage space and outside parking and manoeuvring space.







Supporting documents: