Agenda item
S.73 Application - For removal of Condition 4 on NP/SM/1096/095 at Peak View, Sunnydale Farm, Pethills Lane, Quarnford (NP/SM/0823/0906, PM)
The Development and Enforcement Manager introduced the report and outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
It was noted that both this item and item number 12 (see minute number 160/23) cover largely the same subject and therefore both items would be introduced at this time. On the original application there were 2 planning permissions granted for the change of use of the main building and construction of an annex to provide up to 8 bedrooms for 6 children along with members of staff. This application had a number of conditions attached to it including the condition restricting the development to be carried out by the then applicants, commonly referred to as a “personal consent”. The original applicants no longer occupy the site and the site is occupied by a company. This application seeks to remove the personal consent condition from both of the planning applications but changes nothing else.
The original set of operative conditions are on-going, will be kept and will continue. The Parish Council have lodged objections regarding noise and crime, privacy and highway issues however no evidence of this has been supplied. There is no evidence to suggest that operation of the development by parties other than the applicant would result in any additional impacts.
The motion to approve the application subject to conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions covering the following:
1. The premises shall be used as a children's home/residential school/outdoor activity unit and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class C2).
2. The premises (Sunnydale Farm comprising Peak View and the annexe Moorlands Cottage) shall not be used for the accommodation of more than six children at any time.
Supporting documents:
- 0823-0906 Peak View, Sunnydale Farm, Quarnford, item 159/23 PDF 234 KB
- Item 11 - Peak View, Sunnydale Farm, Quarnford, item 159/23 PDF 617 KB