Agenda item
Full Application - Demolition of existing filter house and erection of no.3 new dwellings with associated landscaping and parking at Former Filter House, Long Causeway, Sheffield (NP/S/0923/1021, JRS)
The report was introduced by the Planning Team Manager who laid out the reasons for approval as outlined in the report.
A number of Members had visited the site the previous day.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Alasdair Struthers – Agent
It was noted that officers had given advice on this site on a number of occasions and a planning application for 9 holidays units had previously been refused. This proposed development is on a brownfield site beyond any other settlement and is not a traditional building in terms of the PDNPA planning policies.
Members discussed the development and on the site visit had noted a keystone above the door which needs to be retained in some way. The buildings do have heritage interest despite not being traditional. There is evidence of significant deterioration and it is not viable to conserve the existing building which is in a perilous condition. It was agreed that some elements of the design could be improved upon e.g. windows and doors and there was a discussion about the Dark Skies initiative. It was felt important that the buildings which are being demolished are documented (known as “preservation by record”).
Although Members were minded to accept in principle the demolition of the existing buildings and to accept in principle their replacement by housing, it was agreed that the application should be deferred back to a future committee to allow for further consultation between the officers and applicant to ensure the best possible outcome for the site, to allow for full documentation of the existing site and to include the climate change initiative.
A motion to defer the application so that further discussions could take place and that it be brought back to committee was proposed, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be DEFERRED to allow for further discussion between the Officers and Applicant.
Supporting documents:
- 0923-1021_ Redmires WTW JK Checked bjt, item 162/23 PDF 517 KB
- Item 14 - Former Filter House, Long Causeway, item 162/23 PDF 528 KB