Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of the stone field barn to create a three bedroom property with integrated 1 bedrooms annex. Construction of stable block to the north of the site at Barn off Broadway Lane, Nr Priestcliffe, Taddington (NP/DDD/0223/0117, ALN)
The report was introduced by the Principal Planner.
Some members had visited the site the previous day.
Corrections to the report were pointed out, reference in the title of the report to a stable building and again in paragraph 12 and in the title preceding paragraph 81. Recent changes have been made to the application and there is no stable now proposed.
The reasons for refusal of this application were explained as set out in the report.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Ellie Hensby - Applicant
· Lisa Hensby - Supporter
Members discussed the suitability of the application and the impact on the landscape. The barn is an Heritage Asset and the proposal is for a significant change in use to a residential home. The main focus of the discussion was alternative uses of the barn and what is important to conserve versus what is an acceptable use for this barn in the future, recognising this had considerable local support. This proposal is in an area of high landscape sensitivity. It was recognised that the proposal included significant changes to the interior and not so much to the exterior. The interior layout is unusual. It was suggested that conditions would be needed that covered:
· the development of the unique interior layout and suitable documentation to record the existing interior
· the extent of the curtilage
· how consideration of the climate change policy would be incorporated into the design
It was felt that these conditions could be dealt with under delegated powers.
A motion to defer the decision on the application to enable the above issues to be taken on board was proposed, seconded and carried.
To DEFER the application to allow further discussions on the conditions and amendments to the application to be made to take into account:
· the development of the unique interior layout and suitable documentation to record the existing interior
· the extent of the curtilage
· how consideration of the climate change policy would be incorporated into the design
Further consideration be delegated to the Head of Planning, provided that he is able to agree an amended scheme that addresses the concerns of Members in relation to these 3 matters. If not, then the item is to be returned to committee for futher consideration and determination.
Supporting documents:
- 0223-0117_Barn off Broadway Lane Priestcliffebjt, item 153/23 PDF 370 KB
- Item 5 - Barn off Broadway Lane, Nr Priestcliffe, item 153/23 PDF 355 KB