Agenda item

Full Application - Change of use of dining room for bottling on site spring water on a permanent basis at Crag Inn, Clough Road, Wildboarclough (NP/CEC/0723/0764) TS



The Planning Officer reminded Members that this application had been deferred from the Planning Committee on the 3rd November 2023 to allow the applicant to address the concerns raised by Members regarding the unauthorised storage associated with the water bottling use on the site. 


The Planning Officer reported that those concerns had now been addressed by the applicant, and that the applicant had provided Officers evidence that the unauthorised storage had been removed.  The Officer  then presented the report and outlined the reasons for approval.


A motion to approve the application was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-


1.         Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted plans.


2.         Water bottling and associated storage to be restricted to the dining room and enclosed yard to the east of the public house only.


3.         Maximum of 500 crates / 5000 litres of water to be bottled and/or distributed in any day.


4.         The water bottling use shall cease if the Crag Inn ceases to trade as a public house.


5.         Use of machinery and deliveries and activity in the external yard to be limited to between 08.30am and 6.00pm only.


6.         No direct sales of bottled water from the site other than from the bar within the Crag Inn public house.



Supporting documents: