Agenda item

Full Application - Two New Hydro Electric Stations on the River Derwent at Chatsworth; one on the Upper and one on the Lower Weirs at Chatsworth House


The Chair confirmed that Items 8 and 9 would be discussed together as they referred to the same proposed developments.


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Committee considered the proposals set out in the report with additional images to illustrate the anticipated visual impact.  The Committee noted the importance of the site as a tourist destination and the historic landscaped grounds, noting that the Authority’s Landscape Architect had no objections to the plans. 


It was noted that since publication of the report a letter of support had been received from Friends of the Peak District and the British Hydro Power Association.


The following spoke on both items under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Dr Elise Percival – Supporter

·         Dr Andy Tickle – Friends of the Peak District, Supporter

·         Ben Garstang – Applicant


The recommendation to approve the application subject to an additional condition to submit and agree in writing a scheme of agreement for health and safety signage, interpretation boards and fencing or other barriers was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:


1.         Statutory 3 year time limit


2.         Adopt submitted and additional plans.


3.         Programme of archaeological work including a Written Scheme of Investigation to be submitted to and approved by the Authority in writing before development commences.


4.         No development until a detailed method statement for the management / control of signal crayfish on the site during the development and a plan detailing the protection of white clawed crayfish shall be submitted to and approved in writing.


5.         Before works commence on the works to the upper weir, details shall be submitted and agreed in writing by the National Park Authority with regard to the  timing and method of undertaking destruction of the identified bat roost, and a plan showing sites for and type of new bat boxes.


6.         Working method statement to be submitted and agreed in writing detailing how harm to water voles and sand martin nest will be avoided during construction, and regarding works to the veteran tree.  Statement shall also address construction traffic accessing the site.


7.         Details to be submitted and agreed for sites for/details of replacement habitat for the removed silt beds.


8.         No parts of the retaining walls other than those shaded red on plan no. PL-008-Rev A shall be removed unless otherwise agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.


9.         Sample panel of new walling, including pointing, to be agreed.


10.       Details of coping stones to be submitted and agreed.


11.       Plantation to west of upper weir (shown to be retained on Figure 02-SH Proposed Tree Planting Plan) to be retained.  Proposed tree planting as shown on Figure 02-SH to be carried out in the first planting season following completion of the development, or the turbine being brought into operation, whichever is sooner.


12.       Minor Design Details


13.       A scheme of agreement relating to health and safety signage, interpretation and fencing or other barriers to be submitted and agreed in writing.


In accordance with the Authority’s standing orders, the Committee agreed to continue the meeting beyond 1 pm.

Supporting documents: