Agenda item

Making of Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan


The Communities Policy Planner introduced the report and reminded Members that at the October Planning Committee, Members voted to approve the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan and to proceed to a public referendum which was held on the 7th December 2023, where 92% of the people voted in favour with 8% voting against the High Peak Borough Council and Peak District National Park using the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan to determine planning applications in their area.


The Officer reported that the majority of the Neighbourhood Plan area was within  High Peak Borough Council, however, there were policies within the plan that were relevant to the National Park and It was considered that all of the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan policies were in general conformity with the Peak District National Park’s planning policies (as required by legislation), and that these policies enhance important local aspects as identified by the Neighbourhood Plan process. These include policies on the natural environment, Local Green Space, heritage and local character, landscape character and National Park setting.


A neighbourhood plan comes into force as part of the relevant local planning authority’s statutory development plan once it has been approved at referendum through section 38(a) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act. As per national guidance the neighbourhood plan must then be made by the local planning authority within 8 weeks of the referendum, and that High Peak Borough Council were due to formally ‘make’ the Plan w/c 22nd January.


The Policy and Communities team therefore asked that the Committee make the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan part of the Authority’s statutory development plan for the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Area


A motion to approve the recommendation was proposed, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the Committee makes the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan part of the statutory development plan for the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Area.



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