Agenda item
Full Application - Replacement pedestrian footbridge over the River Wye at Cressbrook Mill. Bridge to carry a concessionary footpath that is an important access route for the surrounding area. The structure will consist of a grip deck with timber handrails and be of a simple design not dissimilar to the existing bridge. (NP/DDD/1023/1299) P. 10951)
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who laid out the reasons for approval as set out in the report, which was to replace the existing footbridge over the River Wye which has been closed since 2019 due to safety concerns.
The Officer reported an amendment to Condition 18 of the report in that the colour of the bridge deck would be grey and not green as grey would be more acceptable in this location. The Officer also reported that the Environment Agency had not commented on the proposal yet, so if Members were minded to approve the application, then the decision could be delegated to the Head of Planning, in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning.
Members asked why resin was being used for the base of the bridge. The Officer reported that it would be more cost effective, and that using steel would be more expensive and would mean the footpath being closed for even longer, also using timber in that location could become a safety issue as it could become slippery when wet.
A motion to approve the application in principle and to grant Officer delegation in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning, and to amend Condition 18 was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED in principle with the final decision delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee and subject to the following conditions:-
1. Standard time limit
2. Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans and documents
3. Following removal of existing bridge and assessment of structural integrity of western abutment, full details of bridge design and foundations to be submitted to the National Park Authority for approval prior to new bridge installation.
4. No stonework to bridge abutments to be carried out other than in complete accordance with a sample panel of stonework to be constructed for inspection and approval by National Park Authority.
5. Section 211 application to be submitted for the removal of trees affecting the bridge area.
7. Pre-commencement condition requiring details of tree protective fencing
8. Details of replacement tree planting to be submitted prior to first use of bridge and planted in first landscaping season thereafter.
9. Pre-commencement condition requiring a Construction Management Plan
10. Pre-commencement condition requiring Construction Ecological Management Plan
11. Works to be undertaken in full accordance with Ecology Report and Reasonable Avoidance Measures (RAMs) Method Statement with report to be submitted on completion of works.
12. No development or construction works beyond the weir
13. Pre-work checks prior to removal of stone wall and any work around the river
14. Works to cease upon discovery of any protected species and an ecologist from the National Park Authority contacted.
15. Avoid works during nesting bird season or undertake checks no more than 48 hours prior to works including vegetation clearance.
16. Installation of 2x bat boxes
17. Re-instatement of stone wall prior to first use of footbridge
18. Bridge deck to be finished in grey colour
Supporting documents:
- 1023-1299_PDNPA App Footbridge Cressbrook Mill AM, item 9/24 PDF 416 KB
- Item 8 & 9 - Footbridge, Cressbrook Mill, item 9/24 PDF 506 KB