Agenda item
Full Application - Change of use of class B8 storage unit to class E use at Burnside Garage, Lamb Hill, Low Bradfield (NP/S/1223/1430) P. 8547
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer, who outlined the reasons for approval as set out in the report.
The Officer reported that since the report was published a further response had been received in support of the application. It was also reported that Bradfield Parish Council had amended their concerns regarding parking and the impact on the Conservation Area, and that the Authority Ecology Team had found no evidence of bats on the site.
Cllr Beer left the meeting during discussion of this item at 11:35 and returned to the meeting at 11:39
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Brett Simpson-Lyons, Agent – Statement submitted and read out by the Customer & Democratic Services Senior Advisor.
A motion to approve the application was proposed and seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-
1. Standard time limit
2. Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans and documents
3. Condition to restrict preparation of food on site
4. Restriction on opening hours of the premises
5. Finish of external timber shutter door to be painted dark blue to match adjacent timber door
6. Pre-occupation condition requiring details of deliveries to the unit
7. Details of the materials and finish of the internal shopfront door and windows to be submitted for approval prior to installation
8. Works to be avoided during nesting bird season or otherwise subject to checks by an ecologist no more than 48 hours prior to works commencing
9. Pre-occupation condition requiring details of the specification and siting of 2 bat boxes
Supporting documents:
- 1223-1430_Burnside Garage Lamb Hill AM, item 11/24 PDF 412 KB
- Item 11 - Burnside Garage, Low Bradfield, item 11/24 PDF 410 KB