Agenda item

Monitoring & Enforcement Quarterly Review - January 2024 (A.1533/AJC)


The report was introduced by the Principal Enforcement Planner who reported that good progress had been made on the recruitment of staff, but there were currently 2 posts that still needed to be filled and the posts were being re-advertised as the initial recruitment process was unsuccessful.  The Officer also reported that the performance over the last quarter indicated that we would not meet our annual targets although it had improved since last year.  The Officer also reported that the backlog of enforcement cases had been further reduced to around 550 and that this process would continue.  A further report on this and the outstanding cases will be brought to Planning Committee in April.


The Officer then gave an update to Members on case 22/0040 at Cressbrook Dale, where the compliance periods on the Enforcement Notice had expired so “works in default” were carried out by the Authority on the 13/14 December 2023 to remove the hardstanding/parking area and tipi and restore the land, which will green over in time.  The Officer then showed before and after photographs of the site.


The Officer also gave an update on case 21/0060 for Home Farm, Sheldon in that an application had been made for an injunction at Birmingham High Court and granted. In summary, this requires (1) no further development to take place, and (2) various developments to be removed.  However, the second part of the injunction was suspended to allow the submission of a planning application and any subsequent appeal. The landowner had submitted an application which was likely to be validated imminently.


The Officer reported that an Enforcement Notice had been issued at Rocking Stone Farm, Birchover and was due to come into effect on the 30th January, but that an appeal had now been submitted so the Enforcement Notice was temporarily suspended until the appeal had been heard.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:-


  • John Butler, Chair of Cressbrook Community Group


The Chair and Members of the Planning Committee thanked the Cressbrook Community for their kind words and to Officers for pursuing this case.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




To note the report.



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