Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of traditional agricultural building to open market dwelling at Ridge Farm, Bottom of Moor, Longnor (NP/SM/1123/1314/PM)
Some Members had visited the site the previous day.
The report was introduced by the Planning Officer who outlined the reasons for approval. None of the buildings in the plan are listed nor in a conservation area however the farmhouse and the outbuildings are considered to be a non-designated heritage asset. The proposed design has been amended following advice from the Authority’s archaeologist so the hayloft on the first floor would retain it’s open character.
A motion to approve the application was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
That the application isAPPROVED subject to the following conditions:-
1. Standard time limit
2. Carry out in accordance with specified approved plans and documents
3. No development shall take place until a Written Scheme of Investigation for a scheme of a programme of level 2 building recording has been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
4. Consent not granted for stone wall along southern boundary of application site. Details of alternative positioning of boundary treatment to be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority prior to occupation.
5. Adjoining dairy barn to be demolished prior to first occupation of the dwelling.
6. Removal of permitted development rights relating to extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, satellite antenna, solar pv panels, gates, fences, walls or other means of boundary enclosure.
7. New window frames and doors to be constructed from timber and painted a dark recessive colour at the time of installation.
8. Precise details of works to north elevation stonework necessitated by removal of adjoining barn and blocking up of existing doorway to be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority prior to work being undertaken.
9. Any service lines associated with development should be placed underground
10. All new rainwater goods shall be either timber or cast metal, painted black. The gutters shall be fitted directly to the stonework with brackets and without the use of fascia boards.
11. All pipework, other than rainwater goods, shall be completely internal within the building.
12. Prior to the installation of any external lighting a scheme of external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
13. Prior to their installation details of soft and hard landscaping to be submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
14. Dwelling not to be occupied until a scheme to maximise visibility from the vehicular access has been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
15. Development hereby permitted not to brought into use until the parking and turning areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans. The parking and turning areas shall thereafter be retained unobstructed as parking and turning areas for the life of the development.
16. Development hereby permitted not to be brought into use until the access drive has been surfaced in a bound material for a minimum distance of 5 metres from the rear of the carriageway edge.
17. The proposed creation of an additional bat roost and swallow cups in the adjoining barn as set out in section 4 of the protected species survey shall be carried out prior to first occupation of the dwelling.
18. Pre-works bird nest checks shall be carried out on the barn by a suitably qualified ecologist prior to any works taking place within the bird breeding season (March to August inclusive). If active bird nests are present works must cease until chicks have fledged the nest.
19. The sensitive working methods outlined in paragraph 4.4.3 of the protected species survey shall be followed in full.
20. An air source heat pump shall be installed and operational before the completion or first occupation of the approved dwelling. The air source heat pump shall not be installed other than in complete accordance with a detailed scheme which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority. |
Supporting documents:
1123-1314_Ridge Farm, Bottom of Moor, Longnor PM, item 30/24
PDF 336 KB
Item 17 - Ridge Farm, Longnor, item 30/24
PDF 337 KB