Agenda item

Full Application - Change of use from agricultural field to site for five touring caravans or motor homes between March and October annually. Including altered access and hard standing, and erection of electric pickup points, at Church Lane Farm, Church Lane, Great Longstone, (NP/DDD/1223/1446, MN)


Some Members had visited the site the previous day.


The Planning Officer presented the report and outlined the reasons for refusal.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Cllr A Sutton – Supporter

·         Mr A Critchlow – Supporter

·         Mr B Nicholls – Agent


Members felt some sympathy to local farmers and having to diversify, however there was some concern it would be a significant intrusion into the open countryside and prominent. When asked, the Officer confirmed that the Agent was prepared to work with Officers on a planting scheme and further planting could be secured by condition.


Members felt that the site users would help support the local businesses and it was noted that the Highways Authority had raised no objections to the proposal as it stood, and by approving the proposal it would give the Officers more control on the use of the site as if refused then the applicant could still operate the site under the 60 day/year rule for up to 50 pitches which would have a bigger impact on the landscape.


A motion to approve the application, was moved, seconded, put to the vote and lost.  The recommendation for refusal, as set out in the report, was then moved and seconded.  This was voted on and carried. 


However the Applicant queried the vote and the Chair agreed the vote may have been incorrect and re-took the vote on the first motion for approval. The motion for approval, which had originally been moved and seconded, was put to the vote and carried by the Chair’s casting vote.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.         Commence development within 3 years

2.         Adopt plans as proposed

3.         Holiday occupancy restriction

4.         Control of External lighting

5.         Remove permitted development rights for developments required for a site licence

6.         Landscaping scheme to be submitted and approved, including addressing screening at eastern boundary and addressing existing access

7.         Access works to be completed prior to commencement

8.         Waste disposal details to be submitted and approved

9.         Noise report recommendations to be adhered to

10.      No more than 5 pitches, with no caravan remaining on site for more than 28 day/year

11.      Control the season March to October as applied for


Supporting documents: