Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he is a friend of the applicant and had done business with him and will leave the meeting during this item.


Mr R Helliwell declared a personal interest as the following speakers are known to him: Grant Hattle, Simon Frost & Michael Redfern


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared an interest as she had been unable to take part in the site visit due to the odour and felt she could not be entirely objective about the application and will leave the room during this item.  She had received correspondence on the matter.


Cllr P Brady declared a personal interest as he had been contacted by Mr Baxter and spoken to local residents


Cllr Mrs J Twigg declared a personal interest as one of the speakers, Simon Frost is known to her.


Item 7


It was noted that the majority of Members knew Sue Prince, one of the speakers, as a previous member of the Authority.


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as is a member of CPRE and Friends of the Peak District


Cllr C Carr declared a personal interest as the applicant is known to him.


Item 9


Cllr C Furness is known to all members of the Authority.


Item 11


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as is a member of CPRE and Friends of the Peak District


Item 16


All members with the exception of Mr R Helliwell had received an email from John Graveling relating to this matter.