Agenda item

External Audit: 2014/15 Report to those charged with Governance (A1362/ RMM)


Kathy Clarke from KPMG, external auditors, was present at the meeting and thanked the Chief Finance Officer and his team for all their help.  She highlighted the headlines, significant risk, key issues and recommendations of the external auditor’s annual report.


The recommendations as set out in the report were moved.


In response to Members’ queries the Chief Finance Officer stated that he felt the current fixed asset register still worked well for the Authority’s needs and he was not convinced that the investment needed to change to a new software system would be justified but he would keep under review.  Improvements had been made to the current system in conjunction with the auditor’s advice.


The motion was then seconded, voted on and carried.




1. That Members:


a) Acknowledge the adjustments to the financial statements included in the report by the Chief Finance Officer in response to the External Auditor’s findings.


b) Agree the management response to the recommendation at Appendix 1 of Annex A of the report.


c) Acknowledge the letter of management representations at Annex B of the report.


d) Acknowledge that the External Auditor expects to give an unqualified audit opinion on the 2014/15 financial statements and has no matters to report on the 2014/15 Annual Governance Statement.


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