Agenda item

Review of Charging for Pre-Application Planning Advice (JRS)


The Director of Planning, John Scott presented a report setting out performance of the scheme for charging for pre-application advice first introduced on 1 April 2014. The report updated Members on how the scheme operated, identified the additional income generated and outlined proposals to extend the approach to other areas.


Subject to minor amendments the officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.         To continue the pre-application charging schemes for development and to delegate authority to the Director of Planning to make any future changes to the scheme and inflationary increases in charges in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Planning Committee subject to any significant changes being the subject of a report to Planning Committee.


2.         To extend the principle of charging for advice to other areas of the Authority’s work, in accordance with Standing Orders.


3.         To continue to review the operation of the advice charging scheme through an annual report to a meeting of the Planning Committee.

Supporting documents: