Agenda item

Minutes of previous meeting


The minutes of the last meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9 October 2015 were approved as a correct record. The meeting noted the following updates from the Director of Planning:


·         Minute 123/15 – Most of Old Moor Quarry was in the area covered by Derbyshire County Council (DCC), which is dealing with a ROMP for the permission in its administrative area. The Director of Planning advised that the Senior Minerals Planner is liaising with DCC to try to adopt a consistent approach, but this work was not yet completed so it was not possible to bring a report on the ROMP determination to Committee this month.  

·         Minute 125/15 – amended plans and additional details had been received but as they missed the deadline for the November meeting, the required report would be brought to the meeting on 11 December.


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