Agenda item

Full Application - Proposed Holiday Barn Conversion, Manege, Stabling and Implement Shed Including Change of Use of Land and Buildings and Retrospective Consent for Creation of Two Turnout Yards at Willow Farm, Butterton


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The applicant had submitted amended plans omitting the proposed implement shed between the dwelling house and Barn 1 and relocating the manége to the south of Barn 2, which already had permission for use as holiday accommodation. The application also sought to regularise the unauthorised creation of two turn-out yards which affected a public right of way.


Members requested an additional condition to control external lighting.


The wording of Condition 4 was amended to replace the word “refuse” with “take no action” and Condition 6 was clarified by adding “and all field shelters”.


The recommendation to approve the application with these additional/amended conditions was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



3 year implementation time limit.



Adopt amended plans.



Work shall not commence on any of the stabling hereby approved or the manege until a diversion order to the public right of way known as ‘Butterton no.17’ has been approved re-routing the footpath to the route shown on the approved plans and the new footpath has been provided on the diverted route.



Turnout areas to be removed and land restored to its former levels and condition within 3 months of the date of failure to meet the requirement set out in (i) below:


(i)            if within 9 months of the date of this decision Staffordshire County Council take no action to make a footpath diversion order of Butterton Footpath no. 17 to the route shown on the approved bock plan and the new route is not provided in accordance with the approved order.



The development hereby approved shall be used only in connection with ancillary equestrian use in association with the domestic use of Willow Farm or in connection with occupiers of the two approved holiday cottages on site.  The facilities shall not be used as commercial livery or as a riding school.



Existing wooden stables and all field shelters to be completely removed from the site within 4 weeks of either stable block hereby approved being first brought into use.



Holiday occupancy condition on barn conversion.



Stables to be removed when no longer required for the keeping of horses.



First 5m of access track rear of the public highway to be surfaced with an appropriate hard surface before the development hereby approved is first brought into use.



Manure to be stored in areas shown on approved plans and to be managed in accordance with details received in letter from agent dated 12 October 2015.



Adopt submitted landscaping scheme for planting to south of manege.  Landscaping scheme for additional planting to south of turnout areas to be submitted and agreed.



Minor Design Details.



External lighting.



Supporting documents: