Agenda item

Full Application - Proposed Agricultural Unit at Town End Farm, Main Street, Chelmorton


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Director of Planning stated that he had once acted as the applicant’s planning consultant on a different application.


Cllr Mrs N Hawkins left the room prior to the officer’s introduction.


The officer reported that although an agricultural appraisal was required and had been requested, it had not been forthcoming. Amended plans had been submitted which sought to address the concerns raised by officers regarding the design of the building.


The following spoke under the Authority’s Public Participation Scheme:


·         Mr J Devereux, Applicant


Cllr Mrs N Hawkins rejoined the meeting after the representation and took no part in the debate or voting.


A motion to defer a decision until an agricultural appraisal had been submitted was moved but not seconded. A motion to refuse the application was moved and seconded on the basis of the lack of an agricultural appraisal and the wider landscape impact.


The motion for refusal was voted upon and carried with one abstention.




That the application be REFUSED in the absence of an agricultural appraisal and because of the impact of the proposed building on the wider landscape and the setting of the nearby listed building.

Supporting documents: