Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition, Re-Build, Alteration and Extension at Withamley House, Bradfield


The officer explained that following the 2007 permission to extend the farmhouse, the applicant had rebuilt all the walls following the collapse of some during construction. This effectively negated the permission as the work constituted a replacement dwelling.


Two objections had been received saying that the proposal was not like the original building and also objecting to a retrospective application.


Officers explained the reasoning for the condition withdrawing permitted development rights as the site was in a prominent location.


The recommendation for approval was moved and seconded subject to the deletion from condition 6 that rainwater goods should be black. Members also proposed an additional condition to manage sustainability of the building.


Cllr H Laws left the meeting at 3pm, prior to the vote.


The motion including the amended condition and additional condition was voted upon and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions.



Development to be carried out in accordance with specified amended plans.



Prior approval of detailed scheme of landscaping (including new planting, earth mounding, re-seeding, walls, gates and hardstanding) to be implemented as part of the development.



Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 (or any order revoking or re-enacting that Order) no alterations to the external appearance of the replacement dwelling shall be carried out and no extensions or porches shall be erected on the site without the National Park Authority's prior written consent.



Details of window materials to be submitted and approved. All window and door frames shall be recessed a minimum of 100mm from the external face of the wall.



Doors to be constructed of timber.





The gutters shall be fixed directly to the stonework with brackets and without the use of fascia boards. There shall be no projecting or exposed rafters.


Parking and turning areas to be laid and constructed prior to occupation and maintained in perpetuity.


All pipework, other than rainwater goods, shall be completely internal within the building.


Prior submission and agreement of a scheme of environmental management for the development.



Supporting documents: