Agenda item

Internal Audit Report Block 2, 2015/16 (A1362/7/PN)


The Committee considered a report setting out  the internal auditors’ recommendations for the second block of the 2015/16 audit and the agreed actions for consideration. The areas of activity considered in the report were:


·         Risk Management

·         Budget Management

·         Complaints

·         Grants (Outwards)

·         Information Governance


Ian Morton from the Internal Auditors, Veritas, was present at the meeting to answer any questions relating to the audit report or process.


The recommendation was moved, seconded put to the vote and carried.




To receive the internal audit reports for the four areas covered under Block 2 for 2015/16 (in Appendices 1 – 4 of the report) and also for the follow up report (Appendix 5 of the report);  and the agreed actions considered.


Ms Suzanne Leckie arrived at 10.15 am during consideration of this item.

Supporting documents: