Agenda item

Assessment Under The Habitats Regulations - Ballidon Quarry (APB)- Habitat Regulations Assessment In Relation to Two Parallel Planning Applications Which Seek to Amend the Current Extraction Boundary and Provide for an Enhanced Restoration Scheme


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


Members discussed the recommendation in the report for a second opinion on ecology but due to the strength of the support from Natural England, Officers felt a second opinion was not needed.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




1.    That the report, and its appendices, be adopted as the Authority’s Habitat Regulations Assessment in relation to the proposed development at Ballidon Quarry, as defined in the two parallel applications NP/DDD/0715/0618 and NP/DDD/0715/0619.


2.    It is determined that continued mineral working at the site in accordance with the proposed scheme of working is unlikely to have a significant effect on the integrity of the Peak District Dales SAC. Thus, approval of applications NP/DDD/0715/0618 and NP/DDD/0715/0619, the subject of a separate report to Planning Committee, would not be contrary to the provisions of Regulation 61 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and the EU Habitats Directive and an Appropriate Assessment is not considered necessary.



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