Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition of Farmhouse and Erection of Replacement Dwellinghouse; Demolition and Rebuilding of Stables to Form Additional Living Accommodation; Erection of Stable Buildings and Garaging at Bleaklow Farm, Hassop


Consent had been given for demolition and rebuild of farmhouse.  A new design had been submitted and work had already begun so permission would be  retrospective.  The new development was too large and not in keeping with the original dwelling.


Since the report officers have received an objection to the proposal from Rowland Parish Meeting based on the size.


Members raised concerns regarding the delay in detecting the changes to the work taking place.  Officers explained that the Authority does not have a building inspector as other Authorities do. 


The recommendation for refusal moved, seconded, voted upon and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:



The proposed replacement dwelling would be significantly larger than the original farmhouse, and would be of an inappropriate design, character, form, massing and detailing that would be more intrusive in the immediate locality when viewed from the adjacent public footpath.  Consequently, the current proposal would reflect the character and appearance the original farmhouse and its setting and would not provide the overall enhancement to both the appearance of the original dwelling site and its setting as was achieved in the previously approved scheme in 2014. The proposed scheme would therefore be contrary to Core strategy policies GSP1, GSP2, GSP3 and L1, and Local plan policies LC4 and LH5, as well as guidance in the Framework.




An appropriate scheme for the replacement farmhouse has previously been approved and, consequently, there is insufficient justification for the increase in its size, form, massing and design changes as now proposed.  In the absence of an overriding justification for the proposal as amended, the current proposal would not represent a sustainable pattern of development, and would be contrary to the principles of good design and sustainable development set out in the Authority’s Core strategy policies GSP1, GSP3, DS1 and L1, and saved Local plan policies LC4 and LH5, and in national planning policies in the Framework.

3.            Enforcement action to commence in the New Year.



Supporting documents: