Agenda item

BUDGET 2016/17 (A137/PN)


Members considered a report which presented the formal budget approval for 2016/17 following approval of the proposals presented to Members on the 18th  September 2015 in the report by the Director of Corporate Resources, and in the Chief Executive’s Strategic Framework at the same meeting.


Members emphasised the need to be cautious about becoming complacent in respect of the Defra settlement.


In response to Members’ queries officers stated that they were now looking at the areas identified in paragraph 8 of the report and would be involving Members in that process via the Strategic Advisory Group and/or workshops for all Members.  This would also include consideration of the restructuring reserve figure.  It was noted that Members would prefer the proposals to be considered at a Strategic Advisory Group meeting, which was open to all Members to attend.


Mr Paul Ancell thanked all Members and officers who had worked on achieving the favourable settlement from Defra.


The recommendations as set out in the report were moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




1.        That the base budget for the 2016/17 financial year shown in Appendix 1 and 2 of the report be approved.


2.        That the financial position of the Authority in respect of planning for the following years be noted.


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