Agenda item
Full Application - Erection of Steel Fabrication Workshop on Previously Developed Land, Pittlemere Lane, Tideswell Moor, Tideswell
This application was considered at the meeting of the Planning Committee in January 2016 and deferred under standing order 1.48. Members felt that a landscaping scheme could mitigate the landscape and visual impact of the proposed development.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings scheme:
· Mr A Bettney, Applicant
A recommendation to approve the application subject to the suggested conditions set out in the report was moved and seconded. It was noted that the applicant had stated that he would need a skip to be situated outside on the site and that officers felt this could be covered by the landscaping scheme. It was also noted that the applicant had his own heavy goods vehicle which would need to be parked at the site, therefore it was agreed to delete condition 11. The motion for approval subject to the amended conditions was voted on and carried.
Cllr P Brady requested that his vote against the motion be recorded.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. Statutory time limit for implementation.
2. Development to be carried out in accordance with specified approved plans.
3. No development shall commence until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. The approved landscaping scheme shall then be implemented.
4. No development shall commence until details of foul sewerage showing a package treatment plant has been submitted and approved in writing. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
5. Prior approval of scheme of noise attenuation measures prior to the first use of the development.
6. Prior approval of scheme of external lighting prior to the first use of the development.
7. Hours of operation to be limited to between 07:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday and not at all at weekends or bank holidays.
8. Restrict delivery hours to between 07:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday and not at all at weekends or bank holidays.
9. No outside storage unless in accordance with a scheme which shall have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the National Park Authority.
10. No industrial processes, plant or machinery shall be carried out / installed outside any building at the site at any time.
11. Specification of design and architectural details including dark green colour finish for the wall and roof sheeting and external surfaces of the doors. Lower sections of the walls to be clad with natural randomly coursed limestone.
12. Restrict the use of the building to B2 general industry and remove permitted development rights for changes of use.
13. Parking and turning areas to be laid out in accordance with approved plans prior to occupation and thereafter maintained throughout the lifetime of the development.
Supporting documents:
- (NP/DDD/0915/0888, P.6009, 414620 / 378500, 01/02/2016/AM), item 22/16 PDF 152 KB
- Appendix 1, item 22/16 PDF 241 KB
- Site Plan, item 22/16 PDF 1 MB