Agenda item
Full Application - Conversion of Barn to Dwelling and Change of Use of Farmhouse and Cottage to Create Single Dwelling at Cow Close Farm, Hathersage
It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.
The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:
· Mr F Humphries, on behalf of Derek Latham, Objector
· Mr A Tickle, Friends of the Peak District, Objector
· Mr C Nickolls, on behalf of Sir Hugh and Lady Sykes, Objectors
· Mr J Summerlin, Applicant
Members debated the application and the recommendation for approval subject to conditions was moved and seconded. It was agreed to amend condition 4 to state ‘no development on the conversion of the barn hereby approved shall take place until the timber clad structure in the yard has been completely removed from the site’.
The motion was then voted on and carried.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications:
1. Statutory three year time limit for implementation.
2. Agricultural occupancy condition in relation to the farmhouse.
3. In accordance with specified approved plans.
4. No development on the conversion of the barn hereby approved shall take place until the timber clad structure within the yard has been completely removed from the site .
5. Prior to the occupation of the barn as a dwelling hereby approved the white metal ‘portacabin’ type structure immediately to the west of the barn to be converted to a dwelling shall be removed from the site.
6. Submission, approval and implementation of details of how foul sewage is to be disposed of to a package treatment plant.
7. Submission, approval and implementation of scheme of mitigation for bats and birds prior to the commencement of any development to convert the barn to a dwelling hereby approved.
8. Submission, approval and implementation of scheme of external lighting prior to the commencement of any development to convert the barn to a dwelling hereby approved.
9. Submission, approval and implementation of scheme of landscaping prior to the commencement of any development to convert the barn to a dwelling hereby approved.
10. Submission, approval and implementation of parking and turning areas prior to the first occupation of the converted barn.
11. The lean-to roof structure attached to the east facing gable of the barn to be converted shall be completely removed prior to the first occupation of the converted barn as a dwelling hereby approved.
12. Restrict domestic curtilage of farmhouse and converted barn in accordance with amended plans.
13. Change of use of farmhouse and cottage and the conversion of the barn to a dwelling hereby approved shall take place within the shell of the existing buildings with no re-building or extensions.
14. Omission of both proposed roof lights from the north facing roof slope.
15. Submission, approval and / or specification or design details and architectural specifications including window and door frames and finish, roof verges, rainwater goods, metre boxes and new stonework and pointing.
16. All utilities infrastructure to be underground.
17. Removal of permitted development rights for domestic development from converted barn including alterations, extensions, porches, walls, fences, gates and other forms of boundary enclosure, satellite dishes, solar and photovoltaic panels and outbuildings.
Supporting documents:
- (NP/DDD/1115/1114, P.5987, 423369 / 382916, 29/01/2016/AM), item 23/16 PDF 293 KB
- Site Plan, item 23/16 PDF 2 MB