Agenda item

Full Application - Proposed Detached House (Existing Dwelling on Adjoining Site to be Removed) at Thorneycroft Stables, Neighbour Way, Kettleshulme


The recommendation for approval subject to conditions was moved and seconded.  It was agreed to add a footnote regarding the public footpath as requested in the consultation response by Cheshire East Rights of Way Team.  The motion was then voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications:


1.    Statutory three year time limit for implementation.


2.    Development not to be carried out otherwise than in accordance with specified approved plans.


3.    No development shall commence until full details of foul drainage to a package treatment plant have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority.


4.    Within two months of the date of first occupation of the new dwelling hereby approved the existing twin unit caravan shall be removed from the site and any adjacent structures including the raised patio area shall be demolished and removed from the site.


5.    Prior approval of detailed scheme of landscaping (including restoration of the site of the caravan, planting, earth mounding, re-seeding, walls, gates and hard standing) to be implemented as part of the development.


6.    Conditions to specify or require prior approval of architectural and design details for the dwelling including, stonework sample panel, window and door details, roof verge and rainwater goods.


7.    Prior approval of a scheme of energy saving measures to be incorporated into the approved development to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority.


8.    Removal of permitted development rights for external alterations, extensions outbuildings, hard standing, walls, fences and other means of enclosure to approved dwelling.


9.    Underground service lines only on land under the applicant’s ownership and control.


10.  Parking and turning areas to be laid and constructed prior to occupation and maintained in perpetuity.


Footnote re public footpath.


Supporting documents: