Agenda item

Full Application - Addition of Two Extensions to The Property. External Alterations Including Surfacing of Car Park. Change of Use of Part of The Centre to Office Accommodation at Field Head Information Centre, Edale


The recommendation for approval subject to conditions was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions or modifications:


1.    Statutory three year time limit for implementation.


2.    Development to be carried out in complete accordance with specified approved plans.


3.    Prior to the erection of the shed, full elevation drawings of the shed and proposed finish for the timberwork shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the National Park Authority.


4.    The additional parking area shall be provided prior to the occupation of the offices and laboratory hereby approved. The parking areas shall thereafter be maintained throughout the lifetime of the development hereby approved.


5.    Conditions to secure architectural specifications and design details of window and door details, stone work, roof materials, fencing, timber bollards and surfacing.


Supporting documents: