Agenda item

External Audit - 2015/16 Audit Plan (A1362/RMM)


The Committee received the 2015/16 External Audit Plan received from our external auditors, KPMG,  setting out details of the audit and the key objectives.


John Cornett, Director and Katy Scott, Assistant Manager from KPMG attended the meeting to present the Plan and answer any questions. In presenting the Plan the Committee were asked to note the differences from previous years, particularly the requirement to carry out a more detailed analysis of the Annual Governance Statement before concluding the Value for Money assessment. It was noted that this work would require an additional fee of around £2,500, the actual amount would be subject to approval from Public Sector Appointments Limited.


The recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried




That the 2015/16 External Audit Plan be noted and acknowledged


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