Agenda item

Local Government Ombudsman Complaint (C355/JRS)


The Committee considered a report setting out the findings of the Micro-Scrutiny Panel appointed by the Committee following consideration of a report from the Local Government Ombudsman at the meeting held on 6 November 2015. At that meeting the Committee had agreed that a micro-scrutiny review on neighbourhood notifications for planning applications was appropriate to consider the lessons to be learned from this case and looking in more detail at the process.


It was noted that the Chair of the Planning Committee would be asked to monitor the implementation of the recommendations and their impact.


The officer recommendations were moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




1.         To note and adopt  findings of the report and recommendations, as follows:


i.     Planning officers to make a written log of all site visits and include photos.

ii.    Planning officers to erect the yellow site notices and consider the best position for this.

iii.   Planning officers to take a photo of the yellow site notice when erected.

iv.   Planning officers to consider if any neighbouring properties need to be notified by letter and deliver these whilst on site or ensure admin staff send letter on return to office.

v.    Administrative support staff to be given discretion to widen the 10m area if appropriate when preparing neighbour notifications.

vi.   Planning officers need to recognise they are the backstop and use their judgement on site.

vii.  Planning officers reports on applications (delegated and Planning Committee) need to be clear and concise with regard to neighbour notification and impact on neighbouring properties.


2.         To thank the Members of the Panel for their engagement in the micro-scrutiny process.


The meeting was adjourned at 10.50 for a short break and reconvened at 11.00

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