Agenda item

Householder Application - Installation of Rooflights and Window of Rear Gable of Property - Bethlehem Chapel, Hugh Lane, Bradwell


This application was deferred by Members of the Planning Committee in February so that design alterations to the gable window and rooflights could be negotiated by Officers, and so that the planning history and lawful use of the site could be clarified.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Cllr Peter Higgs, Bradwell Parish Council

·         Cllr Chris Furness, speaking on enforcement

·         Mr Ian Kern-Lowe, Applicant


It was noted that some alterations already carried out on the building are unauthorised but are not relevant to this application determination as they are a separate enforcement issue and the Authority’s Enforcement Team are engaging with the applicant regarding this matter.


The Planning Officer reported that amended plans had been received and had incorporated the changes requested by officers.


Some concerns regarding parking were expressed by  the Parish Council based around the increase in the number of bedrooms in proportion to the number of parking spaces and also an issue regarding manoeuvring  in and out of the parking spaces.  Members were advised that the increased number of bedrooms within the property did not necessarily have an impact on the number of parking spaces required and that access to the parking spaces was not a planning issue in this instance.


The recommendation for approval subject to conditions was moved, seconded, voted on and carried. It was agreed to include two additional conditions, one to ensure that the parking spaces could only be used for parking of vehicles and a second condition to ensure the appropriate detailing of the new window.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:



Statutory time limit.



Completion in accordance with the revised plans.



Roof lights to be conservation type, fitted flush with roof slope.


Agree details of the new window at gable end.


That the parking area be available throughout the lifetime of the development for domestic vehicle use only.



The meeting was adjourned for a short break at 11.20 and reconvened at 11.30.


Cllr Mrs K Potter left the room and the Head of Law informed the meeting that this was due to Cllr Potter declaring a prejudicial interest in the following item 9.

Supporting documents: