Agenda item

Full Application - Demolition of the Existing House and Garage and Replacement with a New Dwelling and New Double Garage with Ancillary Accommodation above at Riverdale, Edale Road, Hope


In accordance with the Authority’s Standing Orders, the meeting voted to continue its business beyond 3 hours.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


·         Mr Tom Bell, Applicant


Members discussed concerns regarding the contemporary design and the fit with the landscape.  Concern was also expressed about the large amount of glass in the building and it’s visibility from the surrounding open landscape. Therefore a motion for deferral to allow for Members to visit the site was moved and seconded.  The motion was then voted on and carried.


Members also requested more information regarding the ancillary accommodation above the garage on the proposal. 




The application was DEFERRED to the next Planning Committee pending a site visit.


Supporting documents: