Agenda item

Full Application - Retrospective Application for Retention of Timber Decking - Robin Hood Inn, Rainow


Members had visited the site on the previous day.


It was noted that a number of Members knew one of the speakers, Cllr Mrs Hilda Gaddum as a former member of the Authority.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:


  • Mrs Mary Marsh, Individual, Supporter
  • Bob Langstaff, Rainow Historical Society
  • Mr David Hasler, CAMRA, Supporter
  • Cllr Ken Butler, Rainow Parish Council, Supporter
  • Cllr Hilda Gaddum, Ward Councillor for Rainow, Supporter
  • Mrs Suzanne Price, Applicant and landlady of the Robin Hood


A motion to approve the application was moved and seconded.  The motion was put to the vote and carried.  The Planning Officer advised that no conditions were necessary as the application is retrospective and Members were minded to approve the development as built.




The application was APPROVED unconditionally.