Agenda item
Full Application - Demolition of the Existing House and Garage and Replacement with a New Dwelling and New Double Garage with Ancillary Accommodation Above at Riverdale, Edale Road, Hope
Members had visited the site the previous day.
In introducing the report it was confirmed that the applicant was Mr Tom Bell and not the person stated in the report.
The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:
• Mr Tom Bell, Applicant
• Mrs Sarah Bell
There was a discussion on whether condition 7 was strong enough to ensure that the ancillary accommodation remained part of the main property and whether a S106 agreement was appropriate. The Officer view was that condition 7 was sufficient in this instance because of the scale of the accommodation and its relationship to the house.
The Officer recommendation was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
To APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions or modifications:
1. Statutory three year time limit for implementation.
2. Development not to be carried out otherwise than in accordance with specified approved plans.
3. Prior approval of detailed scheme of landscaping (including planting, earth mounding, re-seeding, walls, gates and hard standing) to be implemented as part of the development.
4. Conditions to specify or require prior approval of architectural and design details for the dwelling including, stonework sample panel, window and door details and finish, roof materials, roof verge and rainwater goods.
5. Prior approval of a scheme of energy saving measures to be incorporated into the approved development to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Authority.
6. Removal of permitted development rights for external alterations, extensions outbuildings, hard standing, walls, fences and other means of enclosure to approved dwelling.
7. Accommodation above the garage to be restricted to be ancillary to the existing dwelling only and retained within a single planning unit.
8. Access to be laid out prior to any other works commence and maintained in perpetuity.
9. Parking and turning areas (including garages) to be laid and constructed prior to occupation and maintained in perpetuity.
Cllr Mrs K Potter requested that her vote against the recommendation be noted.
The meeting was adjourned from 11.35 to 11.40 following consideration of this item.