Agenda item

Full Application - Re-Development of Business Park to Create Heritage Centre with Craft Shop/Cafe with Associated Retailing, Two Tied Worker Accommodation Units, Tourist Accommodation Space, Training Room/Community Facility, Cafe and Office Space at, Rockmill Business Park, The Dale,Stoney Middleton


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:

·         Mr Chris Tsiekepi, representing SMILE, Supporter

·         Ms Sue Bettney, Chair of Stoney Middleton Parish Council, Supporter

·         Ms Beth Ely, Supporter

·         Mr Colin Hall, Applicant


The application had previously been approved subject to conditions and prior entry into a S.106 Agreement at the Planning Committee in December 2013.  Following continued consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee the decision had been made by the Chair of Planning Committee that the application be bought back to the Committee to consider required changes to the Section 106 agreement which were outside the scope of the previous resolution.  There had been a delay in finalising the agreement and returning to Committee as the applicant had wished to purchase land to be included in the development prior to signing.


The proposed changes to the S.106 related firstly  to the tied worker dwellings currently for use of staff employed to work in Rock Mill Accommodation unit. This would change to also include staff working in the Heritage Centre and if no staff require accommodation it would default to meeting eligible local needs for  affordable housing. The second change would remove the restriction on common ownership of the Rock Mill Accommodation building and the Heritage Centre.


Members commended the developers for commitment to the development and the community.


The officer’s recommendation to approve the application with section 106 Agreement and conditions was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to prior entry into a S.106 legal agreement requiring the accommodation centre and heritage centre to be developed concurrently, provision of community space, highway works and control of occupancy of the worker accommodation units; and 


Subject to the imposition of planning conditions within Appendix 3 of the report with delegated authority to the Director of Conservation and Planning to finalise detailed conditions following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.


Cllr Mrs K Potter left the meeting at 10.45 and returned at 10.47.


Supporting documents: