Agenda item
Consultation Response - Proposed Development of an Alternative Scheme of 3 Wind Turbines with Height to Blade Tip of up to 100M and Associated Substation Building, New and Upgraded Access Track from Manystones Lane and B5056, Hardstanding, Temporary Compounds and Associated Works at Griffe Grange, Manystones Lane, Brassington
Members discussed the impact on the landscape of the additional turbines as proposed and the concerns over the cumulative impact which should be mentioned in the objection as an additional bullet point.
The recommendation as set out in the report for the National Park Authority to Object with additional bullet point was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.
The National Park Authority OBJECTS to the revised proposals for three wind turbines (100m to blade tip, 59m hub height) at Griffe Grange for the following reasons:
Accordingly, it is also recommended that this Authority should continue to support any subsequent defence of the current appeal by the District Council.
Supporting documents:
- (14/00224/FUL, APPEAL REF: APP/P1045/W15/3130874 02/05/2016/CF), item 75/16 PDF 260 KB
- Site Plan, item 75/16 PDF 1 MB