Agenda item

Member Representation on Outside Bodies (A.1155/RC)


The Authority considered a report on making appointments to Outside Bodies until the annual meeting in July 2017


In most cases the appointments were moved, second and approved in accordance with the report of the Appointment Process Panel attached as appendix 1 subject to the following changes:


Culture Derbyshire                          Removed from the list as previous appointee had not been invited to attend any meetings.


Derbyshire Environment Trust        Removed from list as officer attendance more appropriate.


Derbyshire Sport                             No appointment made. Will revisit if lead officer feels Member representation is appropriate.


East Midlands Councils                   Cllr D Chapman appointed as Deputy Member.


Hope Valley and High Peak            Cllr Mrs J A Twigg withdrew her expression of

Community Rail Partnership           interest.


Peak District and Derbyshire          Cllr C Carr appointed as Deputy Member.

Destination Management

Partnership Board


Peak District Local Nature              Mr Z Hamid withdrew his expression of interest



Rural Action Derbyshire                  Removed from list as officer attendance more appropriate.


South West Peak Landscape          Appointed Cllr A Hart with Mrs F Beatty as a Deputy Member.




1.    To make appointments to the outside bodies set out in Appendix 1 to the minutes to expire at the Annual meeting in July 2017.


2.    To ask the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Authority to review of the list of outside bodies set out in Appendix 1 before the Annual meeting in July 2017.


3.    To confirm that attendance at meetings of the Outside Bodies identified in appendix 1 be an approved duty for the payment of travelling and subsistence allowances.


4.    To ask Members appointed to outside bodies to produce a short annual report on activities, as appropriate, to be circulated in |June 2017 as part of preparations for the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Supporting documents: