Agenda item

Change of use of former wood yard to storage and transhipment of blockstone at Former Wood Yard, Park Lane, Rowsley


Members visited the site on the previous day.  It was noted that this was a retrospective application.


The officer reported receipt of a  letter from the applicant following submission of the report to the committee.  This included reference to the highways issue and the plans to address those concerns were summarised at the Committee.


The following spoke under the Public Participation Scheme:

·         Mr Howard Griffith on behalf of SADE, Objector

·         Cllr Fogg, Stanton in Peak Parish Council, Objector

·         Imogen Scotney, Agent


The officer informed the committee that the applicant had asked to defer the item to a future committee to allow for improvements to the visibility spray relating to the access to the main road.  Officers still had substantial concerns for refusal and had therefore included the application on the committee agenda. 


Members expressed concerns regarding location and asked whether a suitable site could be  found outside the National Park.


The recommendation for refusal was moved and seconded.


Clarification was sought from the Agent regarding the number and type of vehicles that would be visiting the site and that this would reduce the number of vehicles accessing Dale View Quarry.


The motion for refusal was then voted on but lost.  A motion to defer the application for further information was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That application NP/DDD/0416/0363, for the change of use of former wood yard to storage and transhipment of blockstone, be DEFERRED for further information.



In accordance with the Authority’s Standing Orders, the meeting voted to continue its business beyond three hours.


The meeting was adjourned at 13.05 for a short break and reconvened at 13.10.