Agenda item

S.73 Application - For the removal or alteration to Condition 4 (Holiday Occupancy Condition) from planning consent NP/SM/0106/0032, Old Dains Mill, Upper Hulme


Cllr Andrew Hart declared that he knew the applicants and left the room during discussion of this item due to a prejudicial interest.


The following spoke under the Public Participation at Meetings Scheme:

  • Mr Brian Bell, applicant


Members noted that there may be other viable options to preserve this heritage asset including conversion to more than one affordable home. Members supported the removal of the condition but not to allow open market sale of a large dwelling.


The Officer recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded, put to the vote and carried.




That the application be REFUSED for the following reasons:



The proposal fails to meet the requirements of Core Strategy Policy HC1(C) and national planning policies because the removal of the planning condition is not required in order to achieve conservation of the mill building and adjacent store house, and the proposals would not otherwise achieve any significant enhancements to the character and appearance of the building or its landscape setting.


Cllr Andrew Hart returned to the meeting.


Supporting documents: