Agenda item

2016/17 Quarter 1 Corporate Performance and Risk Management Report (A91941/WA)


Members considered the report on 2016/17 Quarter 1 Corporate Performance and Risk Management. The report was introduced by Wendy Amis, Senior Performance Officer. As this would be the last meeting before she left the Authority, the Chair thanked her for her work in supporting the Committee and wished her well for the future.


In appendix 3 the summary table relating to Freedom of information and Environment Information Regulation Enquiries was amended to replace the word “received” with “dealt with”.


In response to issues raised by Members it was agreed that information on the transport design guidance would be included in the forthcoming planning training for Members and that Members would receive a further briefing on progress regarding the emerging organisational design.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved, seconded put to the vote and carried.




1.         To approve the reporting format used in this report for future reporting.


2.         To note the Quarter 1 Corporate Performance Return, given in Appendix 1, and agreed actions to address issues identified.


3.         To note the corporate risk register summary given in Appendix 2 and accept the status of risks, including the addition of 2 new risks.


4.         To note the status of complaints and Freedom of Information Requests, given in Appendix 3.


Cllr C McLaren left the meeting at 11.55am following consideration of this item.


The meeting was adjourned from 11.55am to 12 noon.


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