Agenda item

Members Declaration of Interest


Item 6


·        Cllr Mrs N Hawkins, personal interest, as she knew one of the speakers, Cllr Jason Hales as a colleague at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.


·        Cllr Mrs J Twigg, personal interest, as she knew one of the speakers, Cllr Jason Hales when she attended civic events when she was appointed Chairman of Derbyshire Dales District Council..


Item 7


·         Cllr Mrs N Hawkins, personal interest, as she knew two of the speakers, Cllr Jason Hales and Cllr Mrs G Heath as colleagues at Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.


·         Cllr Mrs J Twigg, personal interest, as she knew one of the speakers, Cllr Jason Hales when she attended civic events when she was appointed Chairman of Derbyshire Dales District Council.


·         Cllr Mrs N Hawkins, personal interest, as she knew the applicant, Mr Sam Kidd.


Item 8


·         Cllr A Favell, personal interest, as he knew one of the speakers, Cllr G Wharmby as a colleague at High Peak Borough Council.


Item 9


·         Cllr D Chapman, personal interest as he knew one of the speakers, Hillary Campbell.


·         Cllr Mrs K Potter, personal interest  as she was a Member of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).


·         Ms S McGuire, personal interest, as she had worked with one of the speakers on preparing the Stanton Moor Conservation Plan.


·         Cllr Harold Laws, personal interest as he was a member of English Heritage.


·         It was noted that Mr P Ancell, Cllr A Favell and Cllr Mrs L Roberts had received email correspondence from Rowsley Parish Council.


Item 11


·         Cllr Harold Laws, personal interest as he was a member of English Heritage.