Agenda item

Members Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or prejudicial interests they may have in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting.


Item 6


Cllr D Chapman declared a personal interest as he had attended the RHS Chatsworth show launch on behalf of the Authority.


Ms S McGuire declared a personal interest as she had received an invitation to attend the RHS Chatsworth show launch but had declined to attend.


Cllr J Macrae declared a personal interest as he was a member of the RHS and was Deputy Chair of Tatton Park Board, Chair of Tatton Park Enterprise Ltd, host of RHS Flower Show, Tatton Park.


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as she had asked Rowsley Parish Council clerk to send 2 letters to Chatsworth – 1 on behalf of herself and 1 from a Mr Fowkes regarding the traffic problems experienced in Rowsley.


Cllr Mrs L Roberts declared a personal interest as she was in receipt of hospitality from the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire in her role as Chair of the Authority.


Cllr Mrs J A Twigg declared a personal interest as she had attend the RHS Chatsworth show launch and had also attended meetings of the DMO which had discussed the show.


Item 8


The following Members declared they had received a letter and a brochure from the applicants:  Mr P Ancell, Cllr P Brady, Cllr Mrs C Howe, Cllr H Laws, Cllr A McCloy, Ms S McGuire, Cllr J Macrae, Cllr Mrs K Potter, Cllr Mrs L Roberts, Cllr Mrs J A Twigg and Cllr D Williams.


Cllr Mrs K Potter declared a personal interest as she had asked Stoney Middleton Parish Council if they had any problems with the proposed windows.


Item 9


Cllr Mrs K Potter, on her return from holiday yesterday, had found she had received a letter from Curbar Parish Council which passed to the Director of Conservation and Planning at the meeting.


Items 12 and 13


The following Members declared they had received a letter from the applicant:  Cllr P Brady, Cllr D Birkinshaw, Cllr D Chapman, Cllr Mrs C Howe, Cllr J Macrae, Cllr Mrs K Potter, Cllr Mrs L Roberts, Cllr Mrs J A Twigg and Cllr D Williams


Item 14


Cllr P Brady declared a disclosable pecuniary interest as he was one of the joint owners of the site.  Cllr Brady would leave the room during discussion of this item.