Agenda item

S.73 Application - Removal Or Variation Of Conditions 2, 3, 9 And 40 On Planning Application NP/DDD/0713/0582 At Rockmill Business Park, The Dale, Stoney Middleton


The Planning officer reported the officer recommendation on the submitted proposals would be for refusal, however officers had suggested an alternative four storey proposal which the applicants felt had merit.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr C Hall, applicant.


The recommendation for deferral to allow officers and the applicants to continue design negotiations on the four storey proposal was moved, seconded, voted on and carried.




That the application be DEFERRED to allow Officers and the applicant to continue design negotiations and to secure amended plans to increase the height of the Mill building to four storeys and to allow for public

re-consultation on the amended plans.


Supporting documents: