Agenda item

Full Application - Erection of four dwellings for local need on land at Town End, Taddington


Cllr P Brady had left the room due to his declaration of close personal interest in this item.


It was noted that Members had visited the site on the previous day.


The Planning officer reported that a letter regarding great crested newts on the site, a letter of support and 2 further letters of objection, which were similar to previous objections received, had been received.


The officer amended the report on page 2 where the 3 points listed as 1, 2 and 3 under the recommendation should have been headed ‘Key Issues’.


The officer reported that a statement had been received from Cllr P Brady, Chair of Taddington Parish Council and an Authority Member, in which he stated that the Parish Council was not part of the process to select the current site and were only first consulted in May 2016.


In response to points raised in the letters received the officer stated that both the 2009 and 2013 appraisals said the Parish Council had been involved.  The Ecologist had been consulted regarding great crested newts and records showed that they were over 1km away so no appraisal was required.  As regards trees on the site, 1 tree was category A and will be retained, 3 were of moderate quality and 1 of these will be removed.  Supplementary planting will benefit the site and outweigh the loss of the tree.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Mr Jagger, Objector

·         Mr N Walsh, Objector

·         Ms J Warwick, Objector.  Ms Warwick also read out a statement from Mr Wilsmer, Objector, who was unable to be present.

·         Mr D Young, Objector

·         Mr Buttle, Objector

·         Mrs A Oldfield, Objector

·         Ms B M Beard, Objector

·         Mr Kirkwood, Objector

·         Mrs Kirkwood, Objector

·         Ms J Skidmore, Supporter

·         Mr R Cogings, Head of Housing, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Supporter

·         Ms I Frenzel, Rural Housing Enabler, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Supporter

·         Ms A Clamp, Applicant.


In response to Members’ queries the officer stated that the Parish Council did not specifically object to the proposal but recognised the concerns of residents and suggested amendments.  There was no statement of community involvement but there was a letter from the applicant.  It was noted that submission of a statement of community involvement, although encouraged, is not a legal requirement.  The officer also stated that there was a combined sewer by the site and there would be stone walls not timber fencing, with the sheds screened.


In accordance with Standing Order 1.10 the Committee resolved to continue the meeting beyond three hours.


Some Members expressed concern about the design of the proposed houses and the effect on the village however a motion for approval subject to conditions as set out in the report was moved and seconded.  It was agreed to amend the conditions to include submission of design details of doors, windows etc. for approval, details of drainage and to agree a scheme of lighting.  The motion was then voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the completion of a S.106 legal agreement relating to affordability/local needs and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time Limit (2 years).


2.    Adopt amended plans.


3.     Withdraw permitted development rights for alterations, extensions, porches, ancillary buildings, walls, fences and satellite dishes.


4.    Submit and agree finished floor levels prior to commencement.


5.    Any services to be completely underground.


6.    Submit and agree a revised hard and soft landscaping scheme.


7.    Appropriate highway conditions.


8.    Minor design details, including doors, windows etc.. to be submitted for approval


9.    Submit and agree a scheme of environmental management.


10.  Protected species mitigation measures.


11.  Written statement of investigation with regard to archaeology to be submitted and agreed.


12.  Recommendations of submitted arboricultural report to be fully implemented.


13.  Scheme of lighting to be agreed.


14.  Details of drainage to be agreed


Supporting documents: