Agenda item

Formation of gated field entrance and biosolids store (retrospective) at Cleulow Cross Farm, Wincle (NP/CEC/1016/1059, P3533, JEN)


It was noted that the applicant had agreed to replace the metal double gates with wooden gates and cover the ground of the site with limestone aggregate.


The following spoke under the public participation at meetings scheme:


·         Ms K Turnock, Supporter

·         Mr J Turnock, Applicant.


In response to Members’ queries officers stated that the importation of the biosolids is regulated and the development has a waste exemption from the Environment Agency.  Officers confirmed that they had no concerns that the waste would travel from the proposed compound onto the road.  Natural England had confirmed that the use was in line with the Higher Level Stewardship agreement with the applicant.


A motion for approval subject to conditions was moved and seconded.  The conditions were suggested as follows:


·         Replace metal gates with wooded gates

·         Site to be resurfaced with limestone aggregate.

·         Areas of land to be spread to be indicated

·         Tree planting scheme to be agreed

·         Restrict to 2000 tonnes of biosolids to be imported each year

·         A 5m space between the spread and the woodland at Shell Brook Valley, top of steep slopes on the land and at Shuttlingsloe

·         A 2m space between spread and boundaries

·         Protect existing trees on site

·         Biosolids stored at height of not over 1.5m

·         Site access to be kept clean and in good repair

·         Site to be restored if biosolids not imported for period of 2 years

·         Site only to be used for storage of biosolids

·         Footnote regarding S184 highways agreement regarding crossing of verge


The motion for approval subject to the conditions above was voted on and carried.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1.    Replace metal gates with wooded gates


2.    Site to be resurfaced with aggregate with prior agreement of the MPA.


3.    Areas of land to be spread to be indicated


4.    Tree planting scheme to be agreed


5.    Restrict to 2000 tonnes of biosolids to be imported each year


6.    A 5m space between the biosolids spread and the woodland at Shell Brook Valley, top of steep slopes on the land and at Shuttlingsloe


7.    A 2m space between spread of biosolids and boundaries


8.    Protect existing trees on site


9.    Biosolids stored at height of not over 1.5m


10.  Site access to be kept clean and in good repair


11.  Site to be restored if biosolids not imported for period of 2 years


12.  Site only to be used for storage of biosolids


Footnote regarding S184 highways agreement regarding crossing of verge



Supporting documents: