Agenda item

Report Of The Member Appointment Process Panel - Appointment Of Committee Chairs And Vice-Chairs, Annual Appointments To Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels And Advisory Groups (A.111/ RC)


The meeting considered the reports of the Member Appointments Process Panel and considered each of the appointments in the order set out in recommendations 2 to 13 in the report. In most cases the appointments were moved, seconded and approved in accordance with the expressions of interest in the report. Any changes to the report are identified below.


During consideration of the report, in accordance with Standing Order 1.12(4), a motion was moved and seconded proposing that all the remaining contested appointments be determined by a ballot. The motion was put to the vote and, as an equal number of votes were cast for and against the motion, the motion was carried using the Chair’s casting vote. Therefore all the remaining contested appointments, including appointments to outside bodies were determined following a ballot.


Appointment of the Vice Chair of Audit Resources and Performance Committee


At the meeting Cllr C Furness was nominated and seconded for this role. Cllr C Furness was provided with a brief opportunity to explain his reasons for seeking nomination on the day. This resulted in both Cllr C Furness and Cllr J Walton being nominated for the role. Following a ballot Cllr J Walton was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Planning Committee and Audit Resources and Performance Committee


It was noted that the Authority had previously agreed that the Membership of both Standing Committees should be set at 15 and the Local Authority positions allocated according to the formula used in previous years, following receipt of expressions of interest 14 Members had indicated that they wished to be appointed to Planning Committee and 13 Members wished to be appointed to Audit, Resources and Performance Committee. It was agreed that, as the recent Parliamentary Elections had delayed the new Secretary of State Appointments, Planning Committee would hold one vacancy and Audit Resources and Performance Committee would hold two vacancies which would be allocated to the new Members on appointment.


Appeals Panel


Following an additional expression of interest it was agreed that the size of the Panel be increased to 9 Members (5 Council and 4 Secretary of State).


Charity Member Advisory Group


Although two additional Members had expressed an interest in joining the Group it was agreed that the Group be reappointed for 2017/18 based on the Membership previously agreed by the Authority.


Development Plan Steering Group


It was agreed that although there was one vacancy, as the work of the Group was nearing completion, appointments for 2017/18 should remain the same as those in the previous year.


Member Representatives


Food and Farming – Cllr J Atkin and Cllr D Chapman withdrew their expression of interest leaving Mrs F Beatty and Mr R Helliwell as candidates for this role. Both were nominated and seconded and following a ballot Mr R Helliwell was appointed.


Health and Wellbeing – Mr Z Hamid withdrew his expression of interest. Cllr Mrs L Roberts was nominated and seconded and, following an uncontested vote, appointed.


Member Learning and Development – As there had been no expressions of interest in this role Cllr A McCloy was nominated and seconded and, following an uncontested vote, appointed.


Rural Economy – Cllr J Macrae withdrew his expression of interest leaving Mrs F Beatty and Cllr C Furness as candidates for this role. Both were nominated and seconded and, following a ballot, both received an equal number of votes. Cllr C Furness was appointed using the Chair’s casting vote.




1.         To confirm the Authority’s previous decision to set the size of the two Standing Committees to 15, with 8 Local Authority Members and 7 Secretary of State Members and allocate Local Authority places on Planning Committee as set out in Section B(i) of Appendix 1 of the report.


2.         To appoint the following Members to the offices of Chair and Vice Chair of the Standing Committees until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Planning Committee                                      Chair:                        Mr P Ancell

                                                                                     Vice Chair:    Cllr D Birkinshaw


            Audit Resources & Performance                 Chair              Cllr A McCloy

            Committee                                                      Vice Chair     Cllr F J Walton


3.         To appoint Members to Planning Committee, and the Audit Resources and Performance Committee as set out below until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Planning                                                          Audit Resources & Performance


            Chair: Mr P Ancell                                         Chair: Cllr A McCloy

            Vice Chair: Cllr D Birkinshaw                      Vice Chair: Cllr F J Walton


            Cllr P Brady                                                    Mrs P Anderson

            Cllr C Carr                                                       Cllr J Atkin

            Cllr D Chapman                                              Mrs F Beatty

            Cllr A Hart                                                       Cllr A R Favell

            Mr R Helliwell                                                 Cllr C Furness

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                             Mr Z Hamid

            Cllr A Law                                                       Cllr Mrs C G Heath

            Cllr H Laws                                                     Cllr C McLaren

            Cllr J Macrae                                                  Cllr J Perkins

            Cllr Mrs K Potter                                            Cllr Mrs N Turner

            Cllr Mrs L Roberts                                         Cllr R Wood

            Cllr Mrs J Twigg                                            2 Vacancies

            1 Vacancy                                                       


4.         To appoint the following Members to the Urgent Business Items Sub-Committee until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Chair and Deputy Chair of the                     Cllr Mrs L Roberts

            Authority                                                         Cllr D Chapman


            Chair and Vice Chair of Planning                Mr P Ancell

            Committee                                                      Cllr D Birkinshaw


            Chair and Vice Chair of Audit                      Cllr A McCloy

            Resources and Performance Committee    Cllr F J Walton


5.         To appoint the following Members to the Local Joint Committee until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Cllr D Birkinshaw                                           Cllr C Carr

            Cllr D Chapman                                              Cllr A R Favell

            Cllr C Furness                                                Mr Z Hamid

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                             Cllr Mrs K Potter

            Cllr J Macrae


6.         To appoint the following Members to the Appeals Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Cllr D Chapman                                              Mr P Ancell

            Cllr Mrs C Howe                                             Cllr P Brady

            Cllr A Law                                                       Cllr A R Favell

            Cllr Mrs J A Twigg                                         Cllr A McCloy

            Cllr F J Walton


7.         To appoint the following Members to the Due Diligence Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            One Member                                                   Cllr Mrs C Howe

            One Deputy Member                                     Mr Z Hamid


8.         To appoint the following Members to the Charity Member Advisory Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Mrs F Beatty                                                   Cllr A McCloy

            Mr Z Hamid                                                     Cllr C McLaren


9.         To appoint the following Members to the Budget Monitoring Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Chair and Vice Chair of Audit                      Cllr A McCloy

            Resources and Performance Committee    Cllr F J Walton


            Chair of the Authority                                   Cllr Mrs L Roberts


            One other Members                                       Mrs F Beatty


10.       To appoint the following Members to the Development Plan Steering Group until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Chair of Planning Committee                       Mr P Ancell

            Vice Chair of Planning Committee              Cllr D Birkinshaw


            Chair of the Authority                                   Cllr Mrs L Roberts


                                                                                     Cllr P Brady

                                                                                     Cllr C Furness

                                                                                     Mr R Helliwell



11.       To appoint the following Members to the Appointments Process Panel until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Two Councillor Members                             Cllr J Atkin

                                                                                     Cllr J Perkins


            One Secretary of State Member                   Mrs F Beatty


            One Parish Member                                       Cllr C Carr


12.       To appoint the following Member Representatives until the Annual Meeting in July 2018:


            Asset Management                                        Cllr A Favell

            Communities                                                  Cllr P Brady

            Connecting Young People with Nature      Mr Z Hamid

            Food and Farming                                         Mr R Helliwell

            Health and Wellbeing                                    Cllr Mrs L Roberts

            Landscape and Heritage                               Mr R Helliwell

            Member Learning and Development           Cllr A McCloy

            Planning Enforcement                                  Cllr D Chapman

            Tourism and Participation                            Cllr J Macrae

            Rural Economy                                              Cllr C Furness

            Thriving Natural Environments                   Mrs P Anderson


13.       To confirm that only these appointments are approved duties for the payment of travel and subsistence allowances as set out in Schedule 2 in the Members’ Allowances Scheme.



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