Agenda item
Review of Member Representation on Outside Bodies (A.1155/RC)
- Meeting of AGM, National Park Authority, Friday 7th July 2017 10.00 am (Item 36/17)
- View the background to item 36/17
The Authority considered a report on making appointments to Outside Bodies until the Annual Meeting in July 2018.
At the 2017 Annual Meeting the Authority had asked Officers to carry out a review of the list of outside bodies to establish whether Member Representation was still needed. The report provided information on the outcome of this review.
At the meeting there was a discussion on whether Oldham and National Park Partnership should be included in the list of outside bodies. The Chief Executive agreed to look into the status of the Partnership and would bring a report back to a future Authority meeting if an outside body appointment was needed.
In most cases the appointments were moved, seconded and approved in accordance with the report of the Appointment Process Panel attached as Appendix 1 subject to the following changes:
Derby and
Derbyshire Economic As Cllr J Atkin and Cllr C
Carr had expressed
Partnership Rural Forum
an interest in being the Deputy Member for this
outside body the appointment was made
following a ballot. Cllr C Carr was appointed.
East Midlands Council As no expressions of interest had been received for this appointment Members were asked for nominations at the meeting. Cllr J Atkin was nominated, seconded and appointed.
Peak District and
At the meeting Cllr J Macrae and Cllr C Carr
Destination Management
withdrew their expressions of interest leaving
Partnership Board
the Member and Deputy roles uncontested. Cllr
Mrs J Twigg was appointed as a Member with
Cllr J Atkin appointed as her deputy.
Sheffield City Region As Cllr C Furness and Cllr A Law had expressed an interest in being a Member of this outside body the appointment was made following a ballot. Cllr C Furness was appointed.
South West Peal
At the meeting Mr P Ancell and Mr Z Hamid
withdrew their expressions of interest leaving the
Member and Deputy roles uncontested. Cllr J
Macrae was appointed as a Member with Mrs F
Beatty appointed as his Deputy.
Stanage Forum Steering Group At the meeting Cllr C Furness withdrew his expression of interest leaving the position uncontested. Mr Z Hamid was appointed.
1. To note the outcome of the review of Member representation on outside bodies.
2. To make appointments to the Outside Bodies set out in Appendix 1 to the minutes to expire at the Annual meeting in July 2018.
3. To confirm that attendance at meetings of the Outside Bodies identified in Appendix 1 be an approved duty for the payment of travelling and subsistence allowances.
4. To ask Members appointed to Outside Bodies to produce a short annual report on activities, as appropriate, to be circulated in June 2018 as part of preparations for the 2018 Annual Meeting.
Supporting documents:
- Review of Member Representation on Outside Bodies (A.1155/RC), item 36/17 PDF 79 KB
- Appendix 1, item 36/17 PDF 51 KB