Agenda item

Amendments to Standing Orders (JS)


The Authority considered a report setting out proposals to amend parts 1 and 4 of Standing Orders relating to the arrangements for the sealing of documents and the Terms of Reference for Authority, Committees, Sub-Committees and Advisory Groups by making minor changes to the terms of reference of the Audit, Resources and Performance Committee to incorporate feedback from the External Auditors on the 2016/17 Annual Governance Statement.


As a notice had been received under Standing Order 1.28(11) this item, identified on the Agenda as a not for discussion item, was the subject of a discussion.




1.      To amend Standing Order 1.34(2) to read as follows:


“(2)     The seal shall be attested by one at least of the following persons present at the sealing viz by the Chief Executive (National Park Officer), the Director of Corporate Strategy & Development, the Monitoring Officer, or the Democratic Services Manager. An entry of every sealing of a document shall be made and consecutively numbered in a book to be provided for the purpose and shall be signed by the person or by persons who shall have attested the seal.”


2.      To make the following amendments to section G in Part 4 of Standing Orders so that paragraph 5 of the terms reference for Audit, Resources and Performance Committee reflect CIPFA guidance on Audit Committees:




            a) Internal and External Audit matters including:


i.        Annual Governance Statement and the Annual Governance Report

ii.       Internal Audit Plan and Audit Reports

iii.      Risk Management

iv.      Assurance Frameworks and Assurance Planning

v.       Value for Money and Best Value

vi.      Countering Fraud and Corruption

vii      External Audit

viii.    Financial Reporting

ix.      Partnership Governance


b) Matters relating to the Authority's corporate governance framework.


c) Effective scrutiny of the Treasury Management Strategy and Policies.



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